Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Election Backlash??

Well, now that the 2008 elections are complete we can all get back to our daily existence, right? I say wrong!! At the local level, we now, more than ever, must hold those that were chosen to serve the public accountable for their actions and decisions. The best way to do that is to end the "backroom politics" of the past. We must make sure that we force things out into the open. And this is the first step in that process.

I have been hearing "rumors" or "rumblings" that once some of the elected officials in Highlands County take control or continue control that there may be some "backlash" on those that either ran against or supported the opposition. Folks, we have democracy for a reason. It gives each of us the ability to run for public office. In the past, people would run out of a desire to serve the public for the greater good. However, in modern times, it seems that people run for public office out of a desire for power and control. I was told a story from a person while I was out on the campaign trail covering the local elections, during a sheriff's office race in another county, they had asked their candidate to refrain from immediately coming in and firing those that supported the other candidate. Unfortunately, the winner went against their word and went in and fired people.

I want to speak directly to the county officials for a moment. If the person was qualified for his/her position prior to the election, then they are STILL qualified for that position. That is plain and simple. You have to put aside petty differences that may have been exposed during the election and do what is best for the county. You are the guardians of the people and their money. You serve at the will of the people and in my opinion, it would be damaging to come in and immediately begin firing people that may have been running against you or supported the opposition. Also, it would not be the smartest decision to begin promoting people, unless their is an opening for that position. I have said it many, many times in the past. In a county as small as Highlands, perception is reality. If the people or media perceive that you are doing something underhanded then that will become the reality.

Folks, we have to do whatever we can to make sure that if we see something building on the horizon that we get it out in the open. The best way to end a rumor is to confront it. The most effective way to control OUR local government officials is to keep things out in the open. Not everyone will be comfortable with being out in the spotlight. But I have no problem doing it, so long as there are facts to back up the charge. So if you have any information regarding issues in Highlands County that need to be addressed, send me an email.

Let me be clear on one thing. This is blog entry is simply a request to all county officials to keep things business as usual. The county was working fine before the election, and why would it be any different now that you are in charge? If it changes, then it will be because of you. And the voters will either voice displeasure or praise, sometimes both.

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